结构不平行:在列举多项内容时,应保持句式结构的平行性,避免词性或短语类型混杂。如:“I was able to raise my TOEFL score by studying hard and reading lots of books.”
语义不明:确保句子表达清晰,避免产生歧义。如:“Many companies began using computers mouth.”(此句显然有误,应修改为具体行为)
段落冗长与语法错误:合理分段,保持主语与动词的一致性。如:“She is a good friend of mine whom I have known for a long time.”
句式生硬:句子构建应自然流畅,避免冗长或表达不清。如:“We overheated the soup in the microwave, causing the container to deform.”
拼写与句子结构错误:检查句子是否完整,避免主语、动词或宾语的缺失或重复。如:“I want to buy something for my mother that she will like. There was a terrible accident that happened yesterday.”
语气不符:确保全文语气一致,避免过于正式或随意。如:“I was somewhat annoyed by the individual who shouted angrily at me.”
代词指代不明:清晰界定代词所指对象,避免混淆。如:“If people do not speak the same language, there is a greater risk of miscommunication. I intend to complete my studies in the United States because it offers excellent programs.”
内容空洞:提供具体细节,避免泛泛而谈。如:“We should conserve our Earth's resources due to environmental degradation.”
时态错误:准确使用动词时态,反映动作发生的时间。如:“Yesterday, I went to the store because I needed some food.”
介词冗余:注意副词前不加介词的原则。如:“We went downtown yesterday to buy a watch.”
离题或无关:确保论点与论据紧密相关,避免跑题。如:“There are numerous reasons to own a car, but discussing whether it's okay for children to fail occasionally is a separate matter.”
标点不当:合理使用标点符号,避免滥用句号。如:“I love animals, and I like to help them. They are helpless, so I want to become a vet.”
重复表达:避免同一意思的多次表述。如:“Personally, I believe the newspaper's content.”
单复数错误:正确区分名词的单复数形式。如:“Many years ago, dinosaurs roamed the Earth.”
避免缩写:在正式写作中,使用单词的完整形式。如:“I will not”而非“I won't”。
连词重复:避免在同一句子中重复使用不必要的连词。如:“Since I want to attend a good school, I am trying to raise my test scores.”
句子不完整:确保每个句子都有完整的主语和谓语。如:“Many students struggle to pass all tests to gain admission to college. For example, my high school friend...”
慎用“get”:在正式场合,用更具体的动词替代“get”。如:“When I arrived home, I felt tired, so I picked up a book and went to bed.”
信息准确与书写清晰:确保信息准确无误,书写易于辨认。如:“I aspire to study in America, where many modern technologies originated.”
选词精准:根据语境选择最合适的词汇。如:“I arrived home late because I got lost.”
单词形式正确:确保动词、名词、形容词等词形使用恰当。如:“I want to create a great website so that I can become wealthy.”
避免用词错误:选择符合语境的词汇,避免误用。如:“Even though I don't speak Spanish, I managed to find a restroom in the department store.”
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