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    按图表写作文,首先要读懂图表,了解其包含的信息。为此目的,应留心三点:第一是读懂标题,了解图表的目的;第二是研讨图表主题,了解各项内容及其之间的 联络;第三是留目的表的说明或图例,避免误解。总之,对图表的研讨要细心,了解和区别要准确,不能草率做出抉择,避免在文章内容方面丢分。
    读懂图表今后,当即考虑文章应表达的内容。这儿,我们应当了解两个制约要素:其一是作文写作时间只需二十多分钟,不或许长篇大论;其二是图表内容繁复,不 或许逐一说明,也不能写成枯燥无味的流水账。考虑取舍时,应留心总的趋势,概貌,相互关系,典型的比如或数据,捉住这些今后,其他的内容实际上也包含在其 中,不用再提及。
    文章的写法没有固定的形式,但因体裁的约束,改动太大也不或许。第一段有必要说明图表的性质与目的,没有这一点,文章的主题难以出色。天然段的区别以明白明 了为原则,例如第一段谈图表的目的,其他天然段应当以所谈要害区别,最终一段可谈自个的了解和观念(也可不谈)。写作时的要害是每个要害谈完后,应给出例 证,把该说地说完,然后再进入下一要害,不能不论文章条理,把想到的内容随意乱放。
    再言语方法上,要留心句式的改动,尽量避免重复运用某一句型。再并排情况较多时,设法选用连接词或关系词将领岁的内容串在一起,为文章的主题效劳。全文的 思路可以用主题句,天然段,逻辑词等方法标明,使读者感到的思路清晰,感到全文是个有机的整体。遇到许多一样的词汇短语时,能改动的尽量改动,无力改动时 可用句式改动补偿。TOEFL范文
    If your friend fails to return your money in time, how could you do to get it back and to ask him to return your money in person or by writing a letter? Use specific example.
    Undoubtedly, everyone has one or more friends in his or her daily life. Someone often comes across the fact that one of his friends borrows some money from him but doesn‘t return it in time. At this time, he must be confronted with the question how he could do to ask his friend to return his money in person or by writing a letter? If I were forced to choose one of the two, I prefer to ask him to return my money by writing a letter.
    One sound reason why I choose writing a letter is based on one true story. Last month, I received a letter from one of my friends unexpectedly. The letter says: " Hello, my dear friend, it‘s a long time since I saw you last time. I am sorry to bother you when you are up to neck in work, but would you think about the fact that you still haven‘t returned my money in time? For some reason, I need to use it. Could you return my money back? Thanks for your consideration." I didn‘t remember the thing until the letter astonished me. Certainly, a few days later, I returned my friend the money and gave him my regret. In my opinion, the letter doesn‘t hurt me. It helps me to get along with my friend more closely and intimately. If I hadn‘t received his letter, it would have ruined our friendship in a silent ripple only because of some money. The story is not rare. It can easily come to the conclusion than it is better to get money back by writing a letter.
    Although somebody prefers to get his money by asking his friend to return his money in person, I think the notion is negative. As far as I am concerned, Everyone suffers from the strain of modern life. If you drop by your friend just because you want to get your money back ,it will hurt your friend and obviously hurt your relationship. However, a courteous and kind letter not only can solve the problem that wraps you, but also can have your relationship further develop.

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